Naoko Tosa of Kyoto University in Japan has written a program that takes
two or three keywords entered by a user and creates a three-line poem
related to them in the haiku's structure of five, seven, and five syllables
per line.To find related words, the software searches several databases,
including a thesaurus, a database that links words that relate to the same
season, and one that links onomatopoeic words.
How cool is that?
You can find the whole article here. Sadly, no links to the program itself, although I did come across a website called Computerized Haiku. Hit a button and voila! Your own randomly created haiku. This is what I got:
All blue in the fog,
I smell faint streams in the sun.
Grrr! The sun has sprung.
Love the "Grr!" Somehow, I never thought about putting that in a haiku before.